Acid Neutraliser
Our Acid Neutraliser powder quickly and efficiently neutralises concentrated acid spills. The neutralisation reaction generates harmless gases making the residue environmentally harmless and easily disposed of. For maximum safety, Vytac ACX contains an indicator system that will show when the spill is completely neutralised.
Personal Safety is always the first priority in the event of a spill. Some chemicals are very hazardous and consequently require neutralising, and thus rendering non- hazardous, before any attempt is made to clean up.
The Vytac Acid Neutraliser is useful for a wide array of applications including hospitals, laboratories, supermarket distribution centres, dairy and food industries and the military.
- Environmentally friendly - The neutralisers quickly render the acid safe
- Built in indicator system - powder changes colour when neutralisation is complete (turns pink)
- Residues are safe to handle and environmentally benign