Flammable Storage Cabinet | 10 Litre
Our Flammable Storage Cabinets are manufactured from mild steel with fully welded seams throughout and designed to maintain integrity for 30 minutes. Supplied with one adjustable shelf and a 10 Litre sump.
The single door is reinforced with two-point locking and supplied with two keys. Finished in highly visible, yellow powder coat, including appropriate 'Flammable' warning label.
Cabinets comply with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) paragraphs 94-96, along with appendices A & B and paragraph 104 in the DSEAR ACoP L136. Together with factory inspectorates’ certificate of approval no.1 parts 3 & 4 and HSE guide HSG51.
All materials used to manufacture the cabinets are in accordance with BS476 parts 20 and 22 to give a 30-minute fire resisting structure.