Tony Hayward under pressure to quit after Obama interview
BP shares have fallen a further 5% after US president Barak Obama stated that he would sack BP chief exec Tony Hayward over comments he had made.
NBC interviewed Mr Obama on Tuesday regarding the US response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. During the interview Mr Obama said that the comments that Mr Hayward made such as
“I want my life back”
and the Gulf of Mexico was
“a big ocean”
would mean that if he worked for Mr Obama he would no longer have a job.
BP is still under pressure from all sectors, even though the spill containment cap that was fitted at the weekend if siphoning off a huge amount of oil from the leaking riser pipe. Their shares have now fallen by a total of 40% since the disaster in the middle of April and things don’t seem to be improving.
It remains to be seen whether Mr Hayward will be able to keep his job under the mounting pressure from the US government. The clean up operation has so far cost BP an estimated $1.25 billion dollars.