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Taking the correct health and safety measures in your workplace is essential

The majority of employers nowadays realise the importance of strictly adhering to health and safety measures in the workplace, as the potential consequences can be extremely devastating.

In addition to posing health risks to employees, failing to impose an adequate health and safety system could result in severe financial penalties.

Whilst health and safety is important in any industry, it is even more vital in environments where hazardous substances are present.

Chemicals and oil are just a couple of substances which can have far reaching effects if they’re not handled properly, so it’s essential that all employees are fully trained in order to minimise the risks of accidents involving hazardous substances.

Businesses whose staff regularly work with hazardous substances not only have a responsibility to ensure that staff are equipped with all of the correct equipment and knowledge to carry out their duties safely, but also that they are fully trained in how to deal with hazardous substances when they leak or are spilled.

It goes without saying that ensuring that the correct spill control and containment equipment is easily accessible in the workplace is vital, and enrolling staff on a spill training course can also be extremely beneficial.

Assess all of the risks in your workplace and ensure that the proper health and safety regulations are firmly in place.

Previous article Understanding Requirements for Hazardous Substances: Prevention, Storage, and Clean Up

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