General purpose spill kits
Every industrial site should be prepared in case of a hazardous liquid spill, whether it is a fuel spill, an acid spill or a chemical spill the site needs to make provision for controlling the spill and cleaning it up effectively.
Spill kits have been designed to cope with a huge number of different types of spills and can make dealing with a spilled substance a quick, efficient operation. Some of the products found in spill kits include:
• Absorbent socks
• Absorbent pads
• Absorbent pillows
• Absorbent granules
• Disposable bags for used products
General purpose spill kits
Perhaps the most widely used spill kit is the general purpose type. These kits offer a multi-purpose spill control solution and can control and absorb a variety of non-hazardous spilled substances such as chemicals and oils.
General purpose spill kits are available in a huge array of sizes and come in easy to carry bags or push along bins, depending on the size of the kit. A standard mini-wheelie bin kit will comprise of 65 absorbent pads as well as a number of absorbent socks and pillows and will be able to absorb around 125 litres of spilled liquid. Because the kit is contained within a small wheelie bin, it can be moved to the spill site quickly and is the perfect kit to have at the ready in a warehouse, a small factory or a workshop.